
2 Steles Orientees (med) (voice & 1 Instrument) 伊貝爾 樂器 聲樂

$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

雅克-伊伯特(1890-1962 年)曾就讀於巴黎音樂學院,之後開始了成功的作曲生涯。作曲家曾為多種樂器創作,其作品至今仍廣為流傳,《為聲樂和長笛而作的兩個方向的石碑》(Two Oriented Steles for Voice and Flute)也不例外。 為聲樂和長笛而作的兩塊定向石碑》創作於 1926 年,改編自維克多-塞加倫的同名詩歌。伊伯特是一位獨特的作曲家,他並不將自己與任何特定風格聯繫在一起。他的音樂通常輕鬆愉快,常常反映出作曲家的機智和幽默。這兩首樂章分別是《我的愛人具有水的美德》和《我被告知》。伊伯特的《兩個方向的石碑》包含多種音樂方面和技巧,是長笛與聲樂這一高級、非同尋常的合奏曲中的精彩之作""

作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Voice
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

2 Steles Orientees

“Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) studied at the Paris Conservatoire before embarking upon a successful composing career. The composer wrote for a variety of instrumentations and his works remain popular to this day, Two Oriented Steles for Voice and Flute being no exception. Composed in 1926, Two Oriented Steles for Voice and Flute is based on the poem of the same name by Victor Segalen. Ibert was a unique composer who did not associate himself with any particular style. His music is generally lighthearted, often reflecting the composer's wit and humour. The two movements are 'My lover has the virtues of Water' and 'I am told'. Containing a variety of musical aspects and techniques, Ibert's Two Oriented Steles is an exciting addition to the advanced, unusual ensemble of Flute and Voice.”
頁數: 6
重量(g): 53.865
UPC: 888680845575
