
2 Romances 安德列艾.符莉達 浪漫曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,180TWD - $1,180TWD
$1,180TWD - $1,180TWD

瑞典管風琴家和作曲家埃爾弗裡達-安德雷(Elfrida Andrée,1841-1929 年)大力支持女性在音樂領域的解放。她曾師從丹麥作曲家尼爾斯-蓋德(Niels Gade)等人學習管風琴和作曲。作為哥德堡大教堂的管風琴師,安德雷是斯堪的納維亞第一位女性專業管風琴師。她的創作包括一部歌劇、兩部交響曲、歌曲、合唱作品以及大量室內樂和管風琴作品。受北歐音樂文學的啟發,她的晚期浪漫主義風格特別具有抒情氣息。為小提琴(中提琴)和鋼琴創作的《浪漫曲》是兩首音樂性極強的憂傷小品。小提琴聲部是小提琴課程的適當補充,即使對高級室內樂演奏家來說,也是曲目中的寶貴補充。該版本包含小提琴部分和中提琴版本"

作曲家: Andrée, Elfrida
編者: Kalinowsky, Bella
校訂者: Kalinowsky, Semjon
樂器: violin (viola) and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The Swedish organist and composer Elfrida Andrée (1841-1929) strongly supported the emancipation of women in music. She studied organ and composition, with the Danish composer Niels Gade among others. As a cathedral organist in Gothenburg, Andrée was the first female professional Scandinavian organist. Her compositional oeuvre comprises one opera, two symphonies, songs, choral works and numerous chamber music and organ pieces. Inspired by the Nordic music literature, her late-Romantic style is characterised particularly by its lyrical air. The Romances for violin (viola) and piano are two melancholy miniatures of great musical intensity. The cantabile violin part is a suitable addition to violin lessons and, even for advanced chamber musicians, a valuable addition to the repertoire. The edition contains both the violin part and a version for viola.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790001170888

