
15 Etudes Clarinette 巴赫‧約翰瑟巴斯提安 練習曲 豎笛

$840TWD - $840TWD
$840TWD - $840TWD

Quinze études》由 Ulysse Delécluse(1907-1995 年)改編自巴赫(J. S. Bach,1685-1750 年)1720 年創作的六首小提琴奏鳴曲和小提琴協奏曲。這套作品始於 1703 年,直到 1720 年才完成,其中交替出現了三首四樂章奏鳴曲和三首小提琴協奏曲。 在這首巴羅克風格的作品中,每首奏鳴曲都是四樂章結構,包括前奏曲、賦格曲以及第三和第四部分的二進位節奏。帕提塔的結構與吉格舞曲相近,但由於引入了不同的元素,因此稍有變化。 1953 年,法國單簧管演奏家兼教授 Ulysse Delécluse 為單簧管改編了這首曲目,使單簧管演奏家能夠更輕鬆地演奏這首曲目

作曲家: Johann Sebastian Bach
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Quinze études was adapted by Ulysse Delécluse (1907-1995) from the set of six works Sonatas and Partitas for Violin, initially written by J. S. Bach (1685-1750) in 1720. Started in 1703 and only finished in 1720, it alternates between three sonatas in four movements and three partitas. In this baroque composition, each sonata has a four-movement structure consisting of a prelude, a fugue, and a more binary tempo for the third and fourth parts. The partitas, with a structure close to the gigue were slightly more varied due to the introduction of different elements. This transcription for the clarinet produced in 1953 by Ulysse Delécluse, a French clarinettist and professor, enables an easier access to this repertoire for clarinettists.”

頁數: 20
重量(g): 107.73
UPC: 888680787080

