
12 Piano Pieces Op. 40 Piano Solo 柴科夫斯基‧彼得 鋼琴小品 亨乐版

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$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

1878年初,彼得-柴可夫斯基剛剛送走歌劇《尤金-奧涅金》和第四交響曲,但他無意中斷創作。相反,他立即拿起筆,創作了鋼琴作品《十二首小品》Op. 40 鋼琴曲。這組作品體裁多樣,包括當時典型的鋼琴曲,如練習曲、圓舞曲和馬祖卡舞曲,但也有可能與柴可夫斯基的生平有關的作品。這些曲目的標題包括 "Au village"、"Marche funébre "和 "Rêverie interrompe"。正如序言中詳細描述的那樣,在製作本Urtext 版本時,有可能參考了莫斯科格林卡博物館收藏的雕刻師親筆簽名本,以及 1879 年和 1890 年的罕見俄羅斯印刷品"

作曲家: Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
校訂者: Polina Vajdman
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In early 1878, Peter Tchaicovsky had just sent his opera “Eugene Onegin” and his Fourth Symphony on their way, but had no intention of taking a creative break. On the contrary, he immediately took up his pen and composed his Twelve Pieces op. 40 for piano. This cycle features various genres, including piano pieces typical of the epoch such as etudes, waltzes and mazurkas, but they are also joined by pieces presumably connected with Tchaicovsky's biography. These bear titles like “Au village”, “Marche funébre” and “Rêverie interrompe”. For this Urtext edition, it was possible to consult the autograph engraver's copy in the Glinka Museum in Moscow, as well as rare Russian prints from 1879 and 1890, as described in detail in the preface.

頁數: 78
重量(g): 323.19
UPC: 884088176907

