
Death of a Giant 彼得版

$750TWD - $750TWD
$750TWD - $750TWD

巨人之死(澳大利亞詩歌七首組曲)"以澳大利亞作家菲力浦-拉什(Philip Rush)的詩歌為藍本,描繪了塔斯馬尼亞森林中一棵巨樹的生命週期,是一首具有戲劇性和挑戰性的 SATB 作品。其他六首詩歌則取材于森林中的各種故事和永恆的自然"

作曲家: Milliken, Sandra
樂器: Voice, Piano
出版社: Edition Peters
曲目: Death of a Giant; You Were The Seed; Lichen, Moss, Fungus; Cycads; The Leaf; Rainforest; In the Depths of a Forest
Death of a Giant (Seven Settings of Austrialian poetry) features the dramatic and challenging SATB work based on the poem of Australian writer, Philip Rush, which depicts the life cycle of an enormous tree in the Tasmanian forest. The other six poems draw upon the stories and timeless nature of the forest in its many forms.

重量(g): 145
EAN: 9790577005102
