
String Quartet in F Major (Urtext Edition) 拉威爾摩利斯 弦樂四重奏 彼得版

$1,740TWD - $1,740TWD
$1,740TWD - $1,740TWD

《F大調絃樂四重奏》(Urtext版)是這首絃樂四重奏核心曲目的首個現代版本,糾正了第一版中的許多錯誤和不一致之處。羅傑-尼科爾斯(Roger Nichols)是世界頂尖的法國音樂專家之一,他根據所有現有資料,包括拉威爾監製的 1927 年錄音,編寫了這一學術性的《Urtext 版》

作曲家: Ravel Maurice
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: Edition Peters
String Quartet in F Major (Urtext Edition) is the first modern edition of this core piece of the string quartet repertoire, correcting many errors and inconsistencies of the first edition. Roger Nichols, one of the world’s leading experts on French music, has prepared this scholarly Urtext edition based on all the existing sources, including a sound recording of 1927, supervised by Ravel. Including a historical preface and critical commentary, the edition benefits from the research undertaken by the editor for his comprehensive biography of Ravel, published by Yale University Press in 2011.

語言: English, French, German
重量(g): 458
EAN: 9790014117641
