
First Book of Oboe Solos 雙簧管 獨奏

來自 Faber Music
$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

雙簧管獨奏曲第一冊》是《雙簧管獨奏曲第一冊》(First Book Of Oboe Solos,0571503721)完整樂譜之外的雙簧管獨奏部分,包含鋼琴伴奏。本書由珍妮特-克拉克斯頓(Janet Craxton)和艾倫-理查森(Alan Richardson)編排和編輯,是一本以真正的初學者為物件的作品集,向雙簧管演奏者介紹了範圍異常廣泛的音樂作品。所有 26 首曲目都經過精心挑選,以鼓勵學生關注雙簧管演奏的基本技術方面,並按照技術難度遞增的大致順序編排。本書幫助年輕學生從一開始就考慮到技術和音樂兩方面的因素"

作曲家: Richardson, Alan
校訂者: Craxton, Janet
校訂者: Craxton, Janet
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Faber Music
First Book of Oboe Solos is the oboe solo part separate from the complete score of the First Book Of Oboe Solos (0571503721) that contains piano accompaniment. This book is a collection with the true beginner in mind, arranged and edited by Janet Craxton and Alan Richardson, introducing oboe players to an unusually wide range of music. All 26 pieces have been chosen to encourage attention to the basic technical aspects of oboe playing, and are organised in approximate order of increasing technical difficulty. The book helps young students take account of both technical and musical considerations from the very beginning.

語言: English, German
頁數: 16
重量(g): 50
EAN: 9780571504459

