
Ravel: Jeux d'eau 拉威爾摩利斯 水之嬉戲

來自 Alfred Music
$290TWD - $290TWD
$290TWD - $290TWD

拉威爾在獻給加布裡埃爾-福爾(Gabriel Faure)的這首液體詩歌的序言中引用了亨利-德-雷格尼耶(Henri de Regnier)的詩句:河神對著撓他癢癢的水發笑。拉威爾表示,他希望以演奏李斯特的方式來演奏這部作品,而演奏這部作品所需的技巧也與李斯特如出一轍,但其音色和透明度絕對是印象派的。多調性、漣漪琶音、顫音、顫音、雙音、大二度、七度、九度和其他高數和絃都是其特色"

作曲家: Ravel Maurice
校訂者: Maurice Hinson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced; (6+)
風格: Masterwork
Dedicated to Gabriel Faure, Ravel prefaces this piece of "liquid poetry" with a line by Henri de Regnier: "The river god laughs at the water as it tickles him." Ravel indicated that he wanted the work "played in the way you play Liszt," and the technique required to play it hearkens to Franz Liszt, but the sonorities and transparency are definitely impressionistic. Polytonality, rippling arpeggios, tremolos, trills, double notes, major seconds, sevenths, ninths and other high-numbered chords are featured.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 72.5747792
UPC: 38081013039
