
Ibert: Histoires 伊貝爾

來自 Alfred Music
$380TWD - $380TWD
$380TWD - $380TWD

雅克-伊伯特的《歷史曲集》由10首印象派鋼琴曲組成,創作於1912年至1922年間。其中大部分作品是伊伯特在羅馬法國學院學習期間創作的,許多作品的靈感來自他在西班牙、義大利和突尼斯旅行時看到的景象。這些作品以其生動的形象而聞名,在教學曲目中佔有永久的地位。這套曲集已被轉錄為各種樂器的曲目,包括鋼琴二重奏(一架鋼琴,四手聯彈)。全套曲目時長約 23 分鐘。標題 I (La meneuse de tortues d'or) * II (Le petit âne blanc) * III (Le vieux mendicant) * IV (A Giddy Girl) * V (Dans la maison triste) * VI (Le palais abandonné) * VII (Bajo la mesa) * VII (La cage de cristal) * IX (La marchande d'eau fraiche) * X (Le cortège de Balkis)。 衛斯理-羅伯茨(Wesley Roberts)博士是坎貝爾斯維爾大學的音樂教授,教授鋼琴、管風琴和音樂學課程,自 1982 年以來一直擔任該校教師。他曾作為鋼琴家和管風琴家在全美、歐洲和亞洲舉辦音樂會。羅伯茨與莫里斯-漢森合著了《室內樂合奏鋼琴》(第2版)和《鋼琴家曲目指南》(第4版),他還是肯塔基州音樂教師協會的前任主席

作曲家: Ibert Jacques
校訂者: Wesley Roberts
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork
Jacques Ibert's Histoires, a collection of 10 Impressionistic piano pieces, was written between 1912 and 1922. Most of the pieces were composed during Ibert's years in Rome at the French Academy, and many of the pieces were inspired by the sights seen during his travels to Spain, Italy, and Tunisia. These works are known for the vivid images they evoke and have found a permanent place in the teaching repertoire. The collection has been transcribed for various instruments, including piano duet (one piano, four hands). The complete set is approximately 23 minutes in duration. Titles: I (La meneuse de tortues d'or) * II (Le petit âne blanc) * III (Le vieux mendicant) * IV (A Giddy Girl) * V (Dans la maison triste) * VI (Le palais abandonné) * VII (Bajo la mesa) * VII (La cage de cristal) * IX (La marchande d'eau fraiche) * X (Le cortège de Balkis).Dr. Wesley Roberts is Professor of Music at Campbellsville University, where he teaches courses in piano, organ, and musicology, and has been a member of the faculty since 1982. He has presented concerts as pianist and organist throughout the United States, in Europe, and in Asia. Roberts is co-author with Maurice Hinson of The Piano in Chamber Ensemble, 2nd Ed. and Guide to the Pianist's Repertoire, 4th Ed., and he is a past president of the Kentucky Music Teachers Association.This edition is a winner of the 2017 Music Publishers Association Paul Revere Awards For Graphic Excellence.

頁數: 40
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9781470622855
UPC: 38081499376
