
The Couch Potato Bass Workout Technique-Building Exercises You Can Do While Watching TV! 練習曲

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

面對現實吧--我們有時都會在電視機前練習,為什麼不充分利用這段時間呢?沙發土豆貝司練習曲》是一本有趣、直接、簡單的貝司練習曲,讓您在觀看最喜愛的電視節目或在沙發上放鬆時,也能掌握貝司演奏技巧。它非常適合希望提高速度、力量和準確性的各種水準和風格的貝司手。學習坐在沙發上演奏貝司的正確姿勢、如何在練習時不會讓你的沙發夥伴抓狂、基本的手指力學,甚至鍛煉屈肌和伸肌的方法。The Couch Potato Bass Workout》中有大量的練習和樂曲,能以驚人的方式發展你的技巧,是你在沙發上提高貝司演奏水準的入場券!......充滿了可愛、巧妙和全面的技巧,讓你的大腦和身體都得到鍛煉。- 貝斯手雜

作曲家: Greg Horne
樂器: Bass Guitar
出版社: Alfred Music
Let's face it---we all practice in front of the TV sometimes, so why not make the best of it? The Couch Potato Bass Workout is a fun, straightforward, no-frills approach to building bass technique while watching your favorite TV show or just vegging out on the couch. It's perfect for bassists of all levels and styles looking to develop speed, strength, and accuracy. Learn the proper posture for sitting on a couch while playing bass, how to practice without driving your couchmate crazy, basic finger mechanics, and even ways to work your flexors and extensors. With tons of exercises and licks to develop your technique in astonishing ways, The Couch Potato Bass Workout is your ticket to advancing as a bassist---all while sitting on your couch! "...packed with cute, clever, and comprehensive tips for exercising both brain and body." - Bass Player magazine

頁數: 48
重量(g): 181.436948
ISBN: 9780739075463
UPC: 38081405209
