
Peer Gynt Suite Suite No. 1 for Woodwind Quintet op. 46 葛利格 皮爾金組曲 木管樂器 五重奏 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$1,630TWD - $1,630TWD
$1,630TWD - $1,630TWD

自 1876 年首次演奏《培爾金特第一組曲》以來,這部作品一直是浪漫主義曲目中最常演奏的作品之一。這首四樂章組曲的木管五重奏編曲充分展現了格裡格的聲音世界,探索了這五件樂器各自的細微差別。其中自然包括 "早晨"、"阿塞之死"、"阿尼特拉之舞 "和組曲中的瑰寶 "在山王的大廳"。該版本還附有參考樂譜,便於作品的排練"

作曲家: Grieg, Edvard
改編者: Linckelmann, Joachim
校訂者: Linckelmann, Joachim
樂器: for Woodwind Quintet
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
Ever since the first performance of the Peer Gynt Suite No.1 in 1876, this work has remained one of the most often performed compositions in the romantic repertoire. It was only a matter of time before other ensembles adapted the work and the present arrangement for woodwind quintet of the four-movement suite does justice to the sound world of Grieg, exploring the subtle nuances of these five very individual instruments. Included are naturally “Morning”, “ Aase’s Death”, “ Anitra’s Dance” and the jewel of the suite “In the Hall of the Mountain King”. The edition also includes a reference score to ease rehearsal of the work.

- Valuable addition to the woodwind quintet literature

- Reference score

頁數: 15/7/7/7/4/4/6 S.
重量(g): 219
尺寸(cm): 30,0 x 23,0 cm
ISMN: 9790006533138

