
Six Trio Concertans op. 45 volume 2, (Trios 4-6) 木管三重奏

來自 Schott Music
$1,620TWD - $1,620TWD
$1,620TWD - $1,620TWD

義大利作曲家和小提琴家朱塞佩-坎比尼(Giuseppe Cambini)為後來成為標準的管樂五重奏創作了第一批作品,他的六首協奏曲三重奏作品(Six Trio Concertans op.幾乎可以肯定,他的六首協奏曲三重奏作品 45 是有史以來第一批專門為長笛、雙簧管和巴松管創作的作品。這些作品製作精良,形式簡潔,古典優雅,為這三種樂器分別創作了大量成語

作曲家: Cambini Giovanni Giuseppe
改編者: Elphinstone, Michael
樂器: flute, oboe, bassoon
出版社: Edition HH Limited
The Italian composer and violinist Giuseppe Cambini wrote the first works for what was to become the standard wind quintet, and his Six Trio Concertans op. 45 were almost certainly the first ever compositions specifically for flute, oboe and bassoon. These expertly crafted pieces, with their formal simplicity and classical elegance, abound in idiomatic writing for each of the three instruments.

重量(g): 310
ISMN: 9790708092193
