Coriolan-Ouvertüre für Holzbläserquintett op. 62 貝多芬 五重奏 騎熊士版
來自 Bärenreiter
貝多芬的《寇里奧蘭序曲》創作於 1807 年,是為在維也納演出而作,特別適合學生合奏,並附有參考樂譜和樂段
作曲家: Beethoven, Ludwig van
改編者: Linckelmann, Joachim
樂器: for Woodwind Quintet
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture, composed in 1807 for a performance in Vienna , is particularly well suited for student ensembles and comes with reference score and parts.
- New additions to the woodwind quintet repertoire
- Faithful arrangements of orchestral works