
Duet G major op. 17,1 木管二重奏大調

來自 Schott Music
$880TWD - $880TWD
$880TWD - $880TWD

蜜雪兒-約瑟夫-格鮑爾(Michel Joseph Gebauer,1763-1812 年)的音樂生涯始于凡爾賽宮衛隊的雙簧管演奏員,之後成為皇家管弦樂隊的歌唱家和小提琴演奏家、國家衛隊音樂家,之後被新成立的音樂學院任命為教授,後來成為未來帝國衛隊的音樂總監。作為一名雙簧管演奏家,他還是拿破崙出征時的私人室內樂團成員。拿破崙出征俄國時,格鮑爾不得不以自己的生命為代價。除了為衛隊音樂創作的大量作品外,格鮑爾還創作了二重奏和室內樂,包括三首長笛和巴松管二重奏作品(Op.17,這裡介紹的是其中的第一首。可以推測,巴松管部分的演奏風格是針對格鮑爾的弟弟,他比格鮑爾小十歲,是德威恩的學生,同時也是音樂學院的教授。我們的新版本是以第一版的副本為基礎製作的"

作曲家: Gebauer Michel Joseph
改編者: Delius, Nikolaus
樂器: flute and bassoon
出版社: Musikverlag Robert Lienau
Michel Joseph Gebauer (1763-1812) started his musical career as an oboist with the guard of Versailles, then became a singer and violinist with the royal orchestra, national guard musician, then he was appointed professor at the newly founded conservatory and later became musical director of the future imperial guard. Being an oboist, he was also a member of the private chamber ensemble accompanying Napoleon during his campaigns. Gebauer had to pay the Emperor's campaign to Russia with his life. In addition to numerous compositions for the music of the guard, Gebauer also wrote duets and chamber music, including three duets for flute and bassoon op. 17 of which the first is presented here. It can be asssumed that the virtuoso style of the bassoon part "aimed" at Gebauer's brother who was ten years his junior and a student of Deviennes, and who also held the position of a professor at the conservatory. Our new edition is based on the copy of the first print.

語言: German • English • French
頁數: 32
重量(g): 140
ISMN: 9790011405000
