
Seascape, Opus 53 作品 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

露絲-吉普斯是 20 世紀英國音樂界最迷人的女性之一。她是一位真正的作曲家和演奏家先驅--她創建並指揮了波西亞管樂團,這是一個完全由女性組成的室內樂團,在過去的 50 年中為作曲家提供了一個重要的創作平臺。海景》是一首由十位元演奏家演奏的動聽作品(溫瑟可選擇加入低音提琴),必須成為每位管樂指揮家的曲目之一!為雙木管五重奏改編,可選低音提琴"

作曲家: Ruth Gipps
校訂者: Rodney Winther
樂器: Woodwind Quintet
出版社: Alfred Music
Ruth Gipps was one of the most fascinating women in the music world in England during the 20th century. She was a true pioneer as a composer and performer -- she founded and conducted the Portia Wind Ensemble, a chamber music group comprised entirely of women that provided an important outlet for composers throughout the past fifty years. Seascape is a lovely work for ten players (with Winther's optional double bass addition) that must become part of every wind conductor's repertoire! For Double Woodwind Quintet with Optional String Bass.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 95.2543977
ISBN: 9780757936524
UPC: 654979085966
