
The Shepherd on the Rock, D. 965 Original Key for High Voice Voice, Clarinet, and Piano 舒伯特 岩石上的牧羊人 高音 鋼琴 聲樂與器樂 亨乐版

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$730TWD - $730TWD

《岩石上的牧羊人》創作于舒伯特生命的最後一年,從某種意義上說是一首委約作品。歌劇演唱家安娜-米爾德-豪普特曼(Anna Milder-Hauptmann)是貝多芬《費德里奧》中的第一位萊昂諾爾(Leonore),她曾在1824年至1825年間寫給舒伯特的信中請求舒伯特為她創作一個宏大的聲樂場景。然而,舒伯特直到 1828 年秋天才最終動筆。他以三首不同的詩歌為基礎,將它們組合在一起,構成了一個同樣輝煌而大氣的音樂場景。單簧管為其增添了獨特的魅力,時而加入獨奏,時而像回聲一樣跟隨歌聲--這確保了舒伯特的《牧羊曲》即使在今天也能在曲目中佔據特殊的位置

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Annette Oppermann
樂器: Clarinet; Piano; Voice
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The Shepherd on the Rock, composed in the final year of Schubert's life, was in a certain sense a commission. The opera singer Anna Milder-Hauptmann, the first Leonore in Beethoven's Fidelio, had asked Schubert in letters written between 1824 and 1825 to write a grand scene for voice for her. Yet he only finally started work on it in autumn 1828. He used three different poems as the basis for his work, combining them to form an equally brilliant and atmospheric musical scene. The clarinet adds to its particular charm, sometimes joining in as a soloist, at other times following the voice like an echo – ensuring Schubert's Shepherd a special place in the repertoire even today.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 124.74
UPC: 884088648329
