
On the River, D. 943 for High Voice, Horn and Piano Original Key 舒伯特 法國號 鋼琴 聲樂與器樂 亨乐版

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$730TWD - $730TWD

舒伯特為聲樂、圓號和鋼琴而作的 "Auf dem Strom"(《河上》)的配樂讓人聯想到單簧管伴奏的 "Hirt auf dem Felsen"(《岩石上的牧羊人》)。這兩首曲子均創作於 1828 年,每首曲子都是應音樂家的要求而作,在這首曲子中,音樂家是圓號演奏家魯道夫-路易(Rudolf Lewy)。1828 年 3 月 26 日,舒伯特在維也納首次與後者和男高音路德維希-蒂茨(Ludwig Tietze)共同演奏了《岩石上的牧羊人》(Auf dem Strom)。這部作品獲得了巨大的成功,很快就被再次演奏,媒體盛讚它是 "無法形容的聽覺享受"。現在,這部廣受歡迎的作品以方便歌手演唱的形式面世,當然還有 E 調圓號聲部和 F 調圓號轉調聲部"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Elisabeth Föhrenbach
樂器: Piano; Vocal; Horn
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The scoring of Schubert's “Auf dem Strom” (On the River) for voice, horn and piano is reminiscent of that of the “Hirt auf dem Felsen” (Shepherd on the Rock) with obligato clarinet. Both pieces were written in 1828 and each one upon a musician's request – in this case that of the horn player Rudolf Lewy. Schubert gave the first performance of Auf dem Strom with the latter and the tenor Ludwig Tietze on March 26, 1828 in Vienna. It was such a success that it was soon performed again, and the press raved about it being an “indescribable treat for the ears”. This popular work is now available in a handy format for singers, with, of course, parts for horn in E as well as a transposition for horn in F.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 170.1
UPC: 840126932911
