
Theme et Variations pour Violon et Piano for Violin and Piano 梅湘 主題變奏曲 鋼琴 小提琴

$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD
$1,250TWD - $1,250TWD

作為一位充滿激情的作曲家、管風琴演奏家和鳥類學家,奧利維耶-梅西安的許多作品都融合了這三種元素。然而,他在創作小提琴與鋼琴的主題與變奏曲時卻採取了不同的立場,將其作為 1932 年送給第一任妻子克雷爾-德爾博斯的結婚禮物。同年,他們夫婦首次演出了這首曲子。奧利維耶-梅西安(Olivier Messiaen,1908-1992)年僅11歲就考入巴黎音樂學院,是一名出色的學生,曾多次獲獎。Thème et Variations是他被任命為巴黎聖三一教堂管風琴師後不久創作的,通常被認為是他著名的《Quatour pour la fin du temps》的代表作。這首曲子由一個主題和五個變奏組成,在進入複雜的變奏之前,它的開頭非常簡單。主題採用普通拍子,速度適中。每首變奏曲在動態、時間標記、速度、調性和節奏等要素上都有所不同;然而,梅西安巧妙地將主題的暗示貫穿始終。主題與變奏具有挑戰性,對於所有高級小提琴演奏家來說,它是一部激動人心、變化多端、引人入勝的演奏曲目

作曲家: Olivier Messiaen
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Theme Et Variations

As a passionate composer, organist and ornithologist, many of Olivier Messiaen's works incorporate these three elements. However, he took a different stance for his Thème et Variations for Violin and Piano, composing it as a wedding present for his first wife, Claire Delbos in 1932. The couple gave its first performance during the same year. Admitted to the Paris Conservatoire at the mere age of eleven, Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) was an outstanding pupil, winning many prizes. Thème et Variations was composed shortly after his appointment as titular organist at the Sainte Trinité church in Paris and is often considered to be characteristic of his famous Quatour pour la fin du temps. Made up of a theme and five variations, it begins simplistically before entering the complex variations. The theme is composed in common time and at a moderate tempo. Each variation varies in dynamics, time signature, tempo, tonality and rhythm, among other elements; however, Messiaen cleverly retains suggestions of the theme all throughout. Challenging as it is, Thème et Variations is an exciting, varied and compelling performance piece for all advanced violinists.
頁數: 14
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 888680787127