
Premiers Solos Concertos Classiques No. 7, Op. 73 for Violin and Piano 小提琴 鋼琴 協奏曲

$540TWD - $540TWD
$540TWD - $540TWD

巴黎小提琴家喬治-凱薩琳(Georges Catherine,1872-1958 年)為小提琴曲目編制了一本激動人心的曲集。貝裡奧特《第七協奏曲》的第一首獨奏曲印製清晰,並附有非同尋常的技巧提示。查理斯-奧古斯特-德-貝裡奧(Charles Auguste de Bériot,1802-1870 年)是比利時小提琴家和作曲家。他創作了 10 首重要的小提琴協奏曲,這些曲目在高級小提琴家的曲目中一直很受歡迎,他還創作了許多小提琴學習書籍。第 7 號協奏曲》中的小提琴獨奏線條運用了多種技巧,包括和聲、弓法、琶音和手位。凱薩琳的經典協奏曲中的第一獨奏系列提供了學習重要小提琴曲目的基本途徑,為高級小提琴演奏家學習主要協奏曲做好準備"

作曲家: Charles de Beriot
樂器: Violin
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Parisian violinist Georges Catherine (1872-1958) compiles an exciting collection for the violin repertoire. The first solo from Bériot's Concerto No. 7 is clearly printed with a helpful key of unusual techniques. Charles Auguste de Bériot (1802-1870) was a Belgian violinist and composer. He composed a significant 10 concertos for the violin which remain popular in the advanced violinist's repertoire, as well as many study books for the instrument. The violin solo line of Concerto No. 7 makes use of extended techniques, including harmonics, bow techniques, aritculations and hand positions. Catherine's series, First Solos Extracted from the Classic Concertos provides essential access to significant repertoire of the violin, preparing advanced violinists for the major concertos.

頁數: 4
重量(g): 45.36
UPC: 888680831691
