
Etüdenschule für die Violine I 小提琴 騎熊士版

來自 Bärenreiter
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD

這本複雜的教學書籍是瓦茨拉夫-克魯斯克作為一名小提琴家和優秀教師畢生心血的結晶。這些學習內容循序漸進,涉及左右手技巧的方方面面(手指活動、雙音、音程、半音階、裝飾音、手臂、前臂和手腕的動作、基本弓法等)。這些學習內容選自各種作品集和小提琴課程,並考慮了特定年齡段學生的生理和心理能力。它們根據難度和學習要求排列,涉及從初級到高級的小提琴技巧和表現。本課程分為單個練習冊,面向小學音樂學校 1-7 年級的學生"

作曲家: Krucek, Václav
樂器: for Violin
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
This complex teaching book is the result of Vaclav Krucek's life's work as a violinist and excellent teacher. These studies, which become progressively more advanced, deal step-by-step with all aspects of right- and left-hand technique (finger mobility, double-stops, intervals, chromatic scales, ornamentation, arm, forearm and wrist movement, basic bowings etc.). These studies are selected from various collections and violin courses and take into account the physiological and mental abilities of pupils of a given age. They are ordered according to the level of difficulty and learning requirements, and deal with violin technique and expression from the very beginning to an advanced level. This course is divided into individual work books and is aimed at primary music school pupils in years 1-7.

頁數: 62/71/10/2/2/9/2/4 S.
重量(g): 691
尺寸(cm): 31,0 x 23,7 cm
ISMN: 9790260103276
