
2 Nocturnes op. 9/2 - op. 27/2 蕭邦 夜曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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巴勃羅-德-薩拉薩蒂(Pablo de Sarasate,1844-1908 年)無疑是 19 世紀下半葉最重要、最成功的小提琴演奏家之一,他以精湛的演奏技藝和極富表現力的華彩樂章成為小提琴演奏界的不朽之作。他的音樂會曲目大多是他自己的作品,即使有不少作品是其他作曲家獻給他的,也是為他量身定做的:如拉羅的《西班牙交響曲》、布魯赫的《蘇格蘭幻想曲》以及聖桑和維尼亞夫斯基的小提琴作品。除了自己的作品,薩拉薩蒂還改編了其他作品供自己使用,如蕭邦的兩首 "夜曲"。對鋼琴家來說,改編這樣的名作似乎是一種褻瀆,但薩拉薩蒂希望將一些最優美、最溫柔的旋律賦予小提琴,因為他認為小提琴主要是一種歌唱樂器。或者他可能遺憾蕭邦沒有為小提琴和鋼琴寫過任何原創作品,但薩拉薩蒂的編曲彌補了這一缺憾"

作曲家: Chopin, Frédérice
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang / Eichhorn, Friedemann
校訂者: Eichhorn, Friedemann / Sarasate y Navascuez, Martín Melitón Pablo de
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music

Nocturne, op. 9/2 - Nocturne, op. 27/2

Pablo de Sarasate (1844-1908), undoubtedly, is one of the most important and most successful violin virtuosos of the second half of the 19th century and has become immortal through his virtuoso and highly expressive bravura pieces in the world of violin playing. His concert programme mostly consisted of his own compositions, even if quite a few works had been dedicated to him by fellow composers and tailor-made for him: for example, 'Symphonie espagnole' by Lalo, 'Scottish Fantasia' by Bruch and violin works by Saint-Saëns and Wieniawski. Apart from works of his own, Sarasate also arranged other works for his own use, such as the two 'Nocturnes' by Frédéric Chopin. To pianists, it may seem like sacrilege to arrange such masterpieces but Sarasate wanted to subscribe some of the most beautiful and most tender melodies to the violin which he saw primarily as a vocal instrument. Or he might have regretted that Chopin had not written any original work for violin and piano – but here's Sarasate's arrangement to make up for this lack.
頁數: 16
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790001189590
UPC: 841886019195