Viola Spaces for Two Vol. 2 Contemporary Viola Studies 中提琴速度 中提琴 中提琴 多把 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
加斯-諾克斯(Garth Knox)是他這一代最傑出的中提琴家之一,作為阿迪蒂四重奏的前長期成員,他對當代音樂情有獨鍾。同時,他還在世界各地舉辦音樂會和教授課程。他希望通過《中提琴空間》讓高級演奏家也能掌握現代演奏技巧。這些樂曲或'演奏空間'是真正的音樂會研究曲目,每首樂曲都涉及和聲、撥弦(用九個手指!)或顫音等具體技巧,並對這些技巧進行了詳細講解
作曲家: Knox, Garth
樂器: 2 violas
出版社: Schott Music
1. Sul ponticello, Beside the Bridge - 2. Sul tasto, Ghosts - 3. Glissando, One finger - 4. Pizzicato, Nine fingers - 5. Tremolo, Rapid repeat - 6. Harmonics, Harmonic horizon - 7. Quartertones, In between - 8. Bow directions, Up, down, sideways, round
Garth Knox is one of the most prominent violists of his generation, and as former long-time member of the Arditti Quartet he has developed and maintained a fondness of contemporary music. In the meantime, he gives concerts and teaches courses all over the world.With 'Viola Spaces' he wants to make contemporary playing techniques accessible to advanced players. The pieces, or 'playing spaces', are true concert studies, each of them dealing with specific techniques such as harmonics, pizzicato (with 9 fingers!) or tremolos which are explained in great detail.Another volume with modern playing techniques for two violas and a volume with variations on a piece by the French viola da gamba master Marin Marais for four violas are planned.