
Hal Leonard

  • $130TWD - $130TWD
    $130TWD - $130TWD

    #SocialMedia Andrea Ramsey Choral Series 合唱

    這是一首非常有趣的新奇樂曲,其中的合唱部分值得一唱。三個樂章以社交媒體的使用習慣為主題--"滾動"、"他們的、那裡的、他們的 "和 "自拍"--你的學生會喜歡這種幽默,你的聽眾也會加入其中作曲家: Bryan Grosbach樂器: Choral出版社: Hal Leonard曲目: #Soc...

    $130TWD - $130TWD
    $130TWD - $130TWD
  • $100TWD - $100TWD
    $100TWD - $100TWD

    (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons

    這首流行於 20 世紀 40 年代的標準曲目曾被納特-金-科爾(Nat King Cole)、戴娜-肖爾(Dinah Shore)、艾拉-菲茨傑拉德(Ella Fitzgerald)等數十位藝術家錄製。這首合唱曲聲部飽滿,鋼琴伴奏豐富,是社區合唱團、流行樂和爵士樂團(從高中到成人)的絕佳選擇。...

    $100TWD - $100TWD
    $100TWD - $100TWD
  • $2,700TWD - $2,700TWD
    $2,700TWD - $2,700TWD

    (Risk) Everything for a Dream

    理查的這首優美而敏感的作品改編自他廣受歡迎的全樂隊作品,以流暢的抒情風格為特色,自始至終都以戲劇性和強有力的結尾結尾作曲家: Richard L. Saucedo樂器: Concert Band出版社: Hal Leonard曲目: (Risk) Everything For A Dream樂...

    $2,700TWD - $2,700TWD
    $2,700TWD - $2,700TWD
  • $90TWD - $90TWD
    $90TWD - $90TWD

    1-4-3 I Love You

    弗雷德-羅傑斯(Fred Rogers)是美國電視名人,宣導兒童教育和社會平等,尤其喜歡數字 1、4 和 3。約翰-雅各森和羅傑-愛默生利用這種特殊的親和力,運用他們 30 多年的兒童教育經驗,創作了一首與這位被所有人視為鄰居的人相稱的歌曲,以表示 "我"、"愛 "和 "你 "的字母數作曲家:...

    $90TWD - $90TWD
    $90TWD - $90TWD
  • $450TWD - $450TWD
    $450TWD - $450TWD

    10 Fun Favorites

    作曲家: Various樂器: Piano/Keyboard曲目: TomorrowCatch A Falling StarHappy Birthday To YouThe Hokey PokeyI'd Like To Teach The World To SingI'm An Old Cow...

    $450TWD - $450TWD
    $450TWD - $450TWD
  • $580TWD - $580TWD
    $580TWD - $580TWD

    100 Kids' Songs Mini E-Z Play Today Volume 3

    就像我們廣受歡迎的《E-Z Play Today》歌曲集一樣,但尺寸更小!這些 6x9 歌曲集便於攜帶,由於在音符頭上標注了方便的音符名稱,翻頁次數極少,因此很容易演奏。本冊收錄了 100 首深受孩子們喜愛的歌曲,包括Alouette - Alphabet Song - The Bear We...

    $580TWD - $580TWD
    $580TWD - $580TWD
  • $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

    100 Light Classics for Piano Solo 鋼琴 獨奏

    這本獨特的作品集收錄了喬治-格什溫、勒羅伊-安德森、伊蒂絲-琵雅芙等人的 100 首經典鋼琴獨奏曲。歌曲包括牛仔》(Cowboy)、《夜之樂》(The Music of the Night)、《多爾瑪》(Nessun Dorma)、《普通人》主題曲、《藍色狂想曲》(Rhapsody in Bl...

    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
  • $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

    100 Most Beautiful Christmas Songs E-Z Play Today #53 鋼琴 歌

    這本巨型聖誕樂曲集的編曲簡單易讀,適合所有鍵盤手演奏!E-Z Play Today 歌曲集編曲簡單,和絃和旋律音色逼真,翻頁次數極少。書中還附有歌詞,讓您盡享演奏和演唱的樂趣。這套書收錄了各種節日歌曲,包括寶貝,外面真冷》(Baby, It's Cold Outside)、《聖誕鞋》(The ...

    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
  • $1,260TWD - $1,260TWD
    $1,260TWD - $1,260TWD

    100 Most Delightful Songs Ever

    100 首讓你會心一笑的歌曲,包括The Bare Necessities - Celebration - Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) - Dream a Little Dream of Me - Good Vibrations - Happy Together ...

    $1,260TWD - $1,260TWD
    $1,260TWD - $1,260TWD
  • $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

    100 Most Gorgeous Songs Ever

    100 首優美的民謠,包括All the Things You Are - Bridge over Troubled Water - Can't Help Falling in Love - Hallelujah - I Only Have Eyes for You - I'll Know -...

    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
    $1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
  • $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

    100 Movie Songs for Piano Solo 鋼琴 獨奏

    100 首優美的電影標準曲目,包括An Affair to Remember (Our Love Affair) - As Time Goes By - Baby Elephant Walk - Beauty and the Beast - Bella's Lullaby - Born Fre...

    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
  • $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

    100 of the Most Beautiful Piano Solos Ever 鋼琴 獨奏

    每位鋼琴演奏者都應掌握的 100 首流行和古典標準曲目,包括G 弦上的空氣 - Bridge over Troubled Water - Canon in D - Clair de Lune - Fields of Gold - Fur Elise - I Dreamed a Dream - ...

    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
    $1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
  • $100TWD - $100TWD
    $100TWD - $100TWD

    1000 Beautiful Things

    來自克雷格-海拉-詹森(Craig Hella Johnson)和Conspirare的這首由安妮-倫諾克斯(Annie Lennox)創作的縈繞在耳邊的歌曲,以獨奏、合唱背景和打擊樂為特色,進行了藝術化的設置。這一期待已久的版本將為許多音樂會節目增色不少。作曲家: Annie Lennox改...

    $100TWD - $100TWD
    $100TWD - $100TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Alto Sax 百老匯 中音薩氏管

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Cello 百老匯 大提琴

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Clarinet 百老匯 豎笛

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Flute 百老匯 長笛

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Horn 百老匯 法國號

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $670TWD - $670TWD
    $670TWD - $670TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Tenor Sax 百老匯

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $670TWD - $670TWD
    $670TWD - $670TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Trombone 百老匯 長號

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Trumpet 百老匯 小號

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Viola 百老匯 中提琴

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD

    101 Broadway Songs for Violin 百老匯 小提琴

    樂器演奏者一定會喜歡這套百老匯經典曲目,其中包括Any Dream Will Do - Cabaret - Defying Gravity - Do You Hear the People Sing?- Edelweiss - Getting to Know You - Guys and Do...

    $720TWD - $720TWD
    $720TWD - $720TWD
  • $640TWD - $640TWD
    $640TWD - $640TWD

    101 Christmas Songs for Bells/Glockenspiel 歌

    樂器演奏者一定會愛上這本包含 101 首節日名曲的精選集!歌曲包括Away in a Manger - Caroling, Caroling - Do You Want to Build a Snowman?- Feliz Navidad - Grandma Got Run over by a...

    $640TWD - $640TWD
    $640TWD - $640TWD