
Where Have the Actors Gone? SATB and Piano 鋼琴

來自 Peermusic
$80TWD - $80TWD
$80TWD - $80TWD

多年來,我對百老匯偉大詞曲作者的敬意與日俱增。在我的整個音樂生涯中,他們經久不衰、豐富多彩的典型美國音樂無疑對我的音樂產生了影響,尤其是在為演唱我的作品的人創作優雅親切的歌詞方面。<演員們去哪兒了》是我對戲劇/歌舞劇歌曲這一流派的貢獻,通過演員們結束演出、分道揚鑣的寓言故事,講述了一段愛情關係的終結。這首歌最早由爵士歌唱家桑尼-威爾金森(Sunny Wilkinson)在洛杉磯即興劇場演唱,後來桑尼與鍵盤藝術家謝利-伯格(Shelly Berg)合作錄製在Lauridsen - Northwest Journey(RCM 12001)中

作曲家: Morten Lauridsen
樂器: Choral
出版社: Peermusic Classical
My esteem for the great Broadway songwriters has only deepened over the years. Their enduring, rich legacy of quintessentially American music has certainly influenced my music during my entire career, especially in the creation of what I hope to have been elegant and gracious lines for those singing my works. Where Have the Actors Gone, my contribution to the genre of theater/cabaret songs, tells of the end of a love relationship through an allegorical tale of actors bringing their play to a close and parting ways. It was first introduced by jazz vocalist Sunny Wilkinson at the Improv Theater in Los Angeles and later recorded by Sunny with keyboard artist Shelly Berg on Lauridsen - Northwest Journey (RCM 12001).

--Morten Lauridsen

頁數: 14
重量(g): 34.02
UPC: 680160572113
