
They That Go Down to the Sea in Ships 珀瑟爾

來自 Novello
$200TWD - $200TWD
$200TWD - $200TWD

為了感謝國王在海難中的幸運逃生,皇家隊伍中的約翰-戈斯特林牧師將詩篇中的一些詩句編成了一首國歌,並請求珀塞爾將其譜曲。這部作品難度很大,其中有一個段落充分發揮了戈斯特林的嗓音,從高音 D 開始,下降兩個八度到低音"

作曲家: Henry Purcell
樂器: Choral
出版社: Novello
In thankfulness for a providential escape of the King from shipwreck, the Rev John Gostling, who had been of the royal party, put together some verses from the Psalms in the form of an anthem, and requested Purcell to set them to music. The work is a very difficult one, including a passage which traverses the full extent of Gostling's voice, beginning on the upper D and descending two octaves to the lower.

頁數: 18
重量(g): 42.525
UPC: 884088828967
