
Puccini - Il trittico Opera Full Score 浦契尼 三連劇 大總譜

來自 Ricordi
$2,030TWD - $2,030TWD
$2,030TWD - $2,030TWD

Casa Ricordi 是令人難忘的義大利歌劇的原始出版商,這些歌劇在音樂史上留下了濃墨重彩的一筆,如今在數百萬音樂愛好者心中佔據著特殊的地位。現在,Ricordi 首次為我們提供管弦樂全譜,封面採用了精美的彩色複製品,這些複製品是 Ricordi 在世紀之交從歌劇海報、佈景設計和明信片中提取的藝術品。每個版本都有原版歌詞,並附有英語、義大利語、德語和法語的每一幕劇情簡介"

作曲家: Giacomo Puccini
出版社: Ricordi
Casa Ricordi is the original publisher for the unforgettable Italian operas that have made their mark on musical history and now hold a special place in the hearts of millions of music lovers. Now, for the first time, Ricordi makes their full orchestral scores available to us with covers featuring beautiful color reproductions of authentic Ricordi artwork from opera posters, set designs and postcards from the turn of the century. Each edition features lyrics in the original language, and includes a synopsis of each act in English, Italian, German and French.

頁數: 420
重量(g): 1063.125
EAN: 9780634046797
UPC: 73999968408
