
Invicti Bellate - Mottetto RV628 for Contralto, Strings, and Basso Continuo Score 韋瓦第 弦樂器 弦樂

來自 Ricordi
$930TWD - $930TWD
$930TWD - $930TWD

在維瓦爾第的作品中,有一部作品的保存狀況並不理想,無法進行演奏。這就是為 "中音獨奏 "而作的動機曲《Invicti bellate》(RV 628),它已通過版本、演奏和錄音為公眾所熟知,但卻存在一個共同的缺陷:沒有意識到整整四頁手稿(約 110-120 小節樂曲)的缺失。這種情況需要一個明確的澄清:這首主題曲以其流傳下來的狀態是無法演奏的。有別於近來不惜一切代價重建受損作品的過激風氣,本版本特意呈現了文本的不完美狀態,但提供了大量的歷史介紹,尤其是為了確定這首主題曲的創作年代及其在維瓦爾第豐富的聖樂曲目中的地位"

作曲家: Antonio Vivaldi
校訂者: Federico Maria Sardelli
樂器: Strings; Basso Continuo; Contralto
出版社: Ricordi
Among the works by Vivaldi preserved in a state unsatisfactory for performance there is a curious case. It is this motet written for“Alto Solo”, Invicti bellate, RV 628, which is already known to the public through editions, performances and recordings united by acommon shortcoming: a failure to realize that four entire pages of manuscript, amounting to something like 110-120 bars of music, are missing. This situation demands a definitive clarification: the motet is not performable in the state in which it has come down to us. Standing apart from a recent, over-indulgent fashion tending towards the reconstruction of damaged works at all costs, this edition deliberately presents the text in its imperfect state, with the provision, however, of a substantial historical introductionaimed particularly at establishing the motet's date and its position within the ample repertory of Vivaldi's sacred music.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 153.09
UPC: 888680739454
