Bläserquintett Nr. 2 (2014) Wind Quintet No. 2 阿侯 木管五重奏管樂五重奏 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版
由柏林愛樂樂團為愛樂室內樂系列委約創作。第二管樂五重奏創作於 2014 年,由長笛(短笛、中音長笛)、雙簧管(英國管)、單簧管(降 A 和降 B)、圓號和巴松管演奏。它充分展示了阿霍歡快的表現風格。對演奏者和聽眾來說都是一種享受。作品時長 35 分鐘"
作曲家: Aho Kalevi
樂器: flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Commissioned by the Berlin Philharmonic for the Philharmonie chamber music series. The Wind Quintet No. 2 dates from 2014 and is scored for flute (piccolo, alto flute), oboe (english horn), clarinet (A and B-flat), horn and bassoon. It's a showcase of Aho's joyfully expressive style. A treat for both performers and listeners. The duration of the work is 35 min.