
Parade 薩悌 遊行 總譜

來自 Dover
$770TWD - $770TWD
$770TWD - $770TWD

這部 1916 年與讓-科克托(Jean Cocteau)、萊奧尼德-馬辛(Léonide Massine)和巴勃羅-畢卡索(Pablo Picasso)合作創作的芭蕾舞劇被譽為薩蒂的立體主義宣言。這部作品摒棄了主觀情感,將旋律的基本片段和簡單的和聲從傳統的聯想中剝離出來,以意想不到但又合乎邏輯的模式將其重新鑄造,就像立體派畫家將人們熟悉的形式轉換成意想不到的構圖一樣。這本裝幀精美、價格低廉的全譜適合音樂家、學生和音樂愛好者閱讀。[9 x 12,128 頁]

作曲家: Satie Erik
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Masterwork
This 1916 ballet, created in collaboration with Jean Cocteau, Léonide Massine and Pablo Picasso, was hailed as Satie's "cubist manifesto." Stripped of subjective emotion, the work removes basic fragments of melody and simple harmonies from their conventional associations and recasts them in unexpected but logical patterns, much as cubist painters exploded familiar forms into unexpected configurations. A handsomely bound, inexpensive full score for musicians, students, and music lovers alike. [9 x 12, 128 pp.]

頁數: 0
重量(g): 408.233133
ISBN: 9780486413914
UPC: 9780486413914
