
Da pacem domine 佩爾特.阿爾沃 速度 總譜 環球版

$600TWD - $600TWD
$600TWD - $600TWD

阿沃-派特創作和平祈禱曲《Da pacem Domine》是為了完成約爾迪-薩瓦爾(Jordi Savall)的委託。2004 年 3 月 11 日馬德里爆炸案發生兩天后,他開始為這首九世紀格裡高利聖詠配樂,以表達他對遇難者的哀思。從那時起,西班牙每年都要演奏這首《Da pacem Domine》,以紀念這次恐怖襲擊的遇難者。即使在最初創作這首四聲部作品時,派特也考慮到了不同的評分。因此,這首曲子有多個版本,不僅有聲樂版本,也有完全由樂器演奏的版本。沃爾夫岡-桑德納

作曲家: Paert, Arvo
樂器: for string orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
Arvo Pärt wrote the prayer of peace Da pacem Domine to fulfil a commission from Jordi Savall. He began to set this ninth-century Gregorian antiphon two days after the Madrid bombings on 11 March 2004 as his personal tribute to the victims. Since then Da pacem Domine has been performed every year in Spain to commemorate the victims of this terrorist attack. Even while originally composing this four-voice piece, Pärt made allowances for variable scorings. As a result, it exists in several versions, not only for voice but also entirely for instruments. Wolfgang Sandner

Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris quia non est alius qui pugnet pro nobis nisi tu Deus noster.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 50
ISMN: 9790008078811
ISBN: 9783702465247