
Fantasia for Tuba Tuba in C (B.C.) with Piano Reduction 幻想曲 低音號 鋼琴

來自 Curnow Music
$580TWD - $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD

由羅諾克急流樂隊助威團委託創作,獻給羅諾克急流(北卡羅來納州)高中,指揮大衛-霍克斯(David L. Hawks)"

作曲家: James Curnow
樂器: Tuba
出版社: Curnow Music
Commissioned by the Roanoke Rapids Band Boosters and dedicated to the Roanoke Rapids (NC) High School, David L. Hawks, Director.

The composition begins with the solo tuba stating the four notes (F, Bb, G, C) on which the entire piece is based. All other themes, and much of the harmony, are built on these four notes and their permutations. There are four main sections, with a brief cadenza before the last movement.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 158.76
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9789043124102
UPC: 884088080624
