
6 Sonatas 泰勒曼 奏鳴曲 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

泰勒曼六首小提琴奏鳴曲的這一版本是根據作曲家 1715 年在法蘭克福出版的聲樂書籍忠實編輯的。作品原名為《大鍵琴伴奏小提琴獨奏奏鳴曲 6 首》,對範本中的一些錯誤和不準確之處進行了更正。低音連奏被暴露出來,可以單獨為鋼琴演奏"

作曲家: Telemann, Georg Philipp
編者: Friedrich, Wilhelm
樂器: violin and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music

Sonata G Minor - Sonata D Major - Sonata B Minor - Sonata G Major - Sonata A Minor - Sonata A Major

This edition of the six violin sonatas by Telemann was faithfully edited according to vocal books, which the composer himself engraved and which he published in 1715 in Frankfurt. The original title of the work is 6 Sonatas for Violin Alone accompanied by the Harpsichord Some mistakes and inaccuracies of the template have been corrected. The basso continuo was so exposed that it is perform-able for piano alone.
頁數: 80
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790001049382
ISBN: 9783795796686