
Six Pieces op. 19 柴科夫斯基.彼得 小品 鋼琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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六首小品 "作品 19 是柴可夫斯基的第一部鋼琴曲集,為他成為除安東-魯賓斯坦之外最重要的俄羅斯作曲家做出了巨大貢獻。19 世紀 70 年代,尼古拉-魯賓斯坦(Nikolai Rubinstein)和漢斯-馮-比洛(Hans von Bülow)等當代著名鋼琴家在他們的音樂會上演奏了《夜晚的幻想》(作品 19 之 1)或《原始主題與變奏》(作品 19 之 6)。受莫斯科出版商 P. I. Jurgenson 的委託,柴可夫斯基於 1873 年夏秋之際,即在莫斯科音樂學院擔任理論教授期間創作了作品 19 之六首小品。不過,柴可夫斯基最終將比洛的哪些改動納入了 1890 年才出版的作品 19 的新修訂版(Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée par l'autur)中,這一點並無文獻證明。因此,本新版同時收錄了兩個版本的變奏曲。柴可夫斯基在第一版中的版本見本冊附錄,而柴可夫斯基明確採用的布洛版本則以 1890 年出版的《作曲家修訂與改正新版》為基礎,與第 1-5 號一起收錄在本冊正文中"

作曲家: Tchaikovsky, Peter Iljitsch
編者: Kohlhase, Thomas
校訂者: Vinocour, Lev
樂器: piano
出版社: Schott Music

Rêverie du soir - Scherzo humoristique - Feuillet d'album - Nocturne - Capriccioso - Thème original et variations

Six Pieces' Op. 19 is the first collection of piano pieces by Tchaikovsky which contributed significantly to his growing renown as most important Russian composer apart from Anton Rubinstein. Famous contemporary pianists like Nikolai Rubinstein and Hans von Bülow performed Rêverie du soir (Op. 19, No. 1) or Thème original et variations (No. 6) in their concerts in the 1870s. Commissioned by his Moscow publisher P. I. Jurgenson, Six Pieces Op. 19 was composed by Tchaikovsky in the summer and autumn of 1873, i.e. during his time as professor of theory at the Moscow Conservatoire.Bülow had entered 'little changes' in his own copy of the first edition of Variations Op. 19/6. There is, however, no documentary proof which of Bülow's changes Tchaikovsky eventually included in the Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée par l’auteur of Op. 19 published only in 1890. The present new edition therefore contains both versions of the Variations. Tchaikovsky's version of the first edition can be found in the appendix of the present volume, Bülow's version expressly adopted by Tchaikovsky is presented together with Nos. 1-5 in the main text of the volume on the basis of the Nouvelle édition revue et corrigée par l’auteur from 1890.
頁數: 80
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790001153737
UPC: 841886012257