
March from The Nutcracker 柴科夫斯基,彼得 進行曲 胡桃鉗

來自 Alfred Music
$2,280TWD - $2,280TWD
$2,280TWD - $2,280TWD

柴可夫斯基的芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》以這樣或那樣的方式走進了幾乎每個人的生活。從舞蹈舞臺到音樂廳(管弦樂組曲就在音樂廳上演),再到廣播、電視和電影,它的生命力一直在延續。進行曲是這部巨作中最容易辨認的片段之一。您的年輕音樂家們一定會非常滿意。(時長 2:08)

作曲家: Tchaikovsky Peter Iljitsch
改編者: Michael Story
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2 (Easy); -2
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
The Tchaikovsky ballet, The Nutcracker, has in one way or another found its way into the lives of just about everyone. From the dance stage to the concert hall (where the orchestral suite is heard), to radio, television and motion pictures, it lives on and on. The March is one of the most identifiable segments of this monumental work. Audience recognition is immediate, and their acceptance will completely satisfy your young musicians. (duration 2:08)

頁數: 78
重量(g): 460.39625555
UPC: 29156656916
