
... und mein Schatten ringt mit Deinem Schrei .... op. 27 / III / B / 1 für zwei Violinen und Viola 弦樂三重奏 中提琴

來自 Schott Music
$1,450TWD - $1,450TWD
$1,450TWD - $1,450TWD

作品標題取自保羅-策蘭創作於 1941 年的詩歌 Finsternis [黑暗]。這首詩講述了暴力時代的痛苦損失,最後一句被選為這部作品的標題。這行詩模棱兩可。尖叫意味著對暴力行為的反應,讓人聯想到痛苦的呼喊、恐怖的呼喊、死亡的呼喊。而影子則與過去和短暫有關。因此,當詩人說到 "我的影子和你的哭泣 "時,就暗示了作者身邊一定有一個人顯然受到了虐待。然而,這個人是否還活著,卻沒有透露。另一方面,"掙扎 "則表明,對這一事件的情感克服仍在繼續。因此,我們面對的是一個非常個人化的、痛苦的、可能經常反復出現的創傷經歷記憶。在標題中特意加上 "和",是為了進一步強調詩句的模糊性:這種模糊性為無言的痛苦音樂留下了足夠的空間"

作曲家: Staar René
樂器: 2 violins, viola
出版社: Verlagsgruppe Hermann
The title of the work is taken from the poem "Finsternis" [Darkness] by Paul Celan, written in 1941. The poem speaks of painful loss in times of violence, and culminates in the line that was chosen as the title of this piece. This line of poetry is ambiguous. A scream implies the reaction to an act of violence, and evokes associations such as the cry of pain, the cry of horror, the cry of death. The shadow, in turn, has something to do with the past and with transience. So when the poet says "my shadow" and "your cry," it implies that there must have been a person close to the author that was apparently abused. Whether this person is still alive, however, is not disclosed. The "struggle," on the other hand, suggests that the emotional overcoming of this event is still ongoing. We are therefore dealing with a very personal and painful, probably often recurring memory of a traumatic experience. The "and" was deliberately added to the title to further emphasize the ambiguity of the line: an ambiguity that leaves plenty of room for a wordless music of painful sensation.

ISMN: 9790206660511
