
String Quartets - Volume IX Op. 71 and 74 (Appony-Quartets) 弦樂 弦樂四重奏 亨乐版

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$2,650TWD - $2,650TWD

海頓將作品 71 和 74 系列四重奏獻給匈牙利伯爵阿波尼,他是維也納的音樂贊助人,也是自由共濟會的朋友。海頓創作這兩部作品時,他的 "倫敦交響曲 "正在英國獲得巨大成功。這些交響曲的前奏緩慢凝重,樂章密集,注重音效,同時也具有交響樂的特點。尤其是作品 74,3 中的 g 小調四重奏。尤其是作品 74,3 中的 g 小調四重奏,其表現力和獨創性令人印象深刻。由於週邊樂章的節奏感強,它被稱為 "騎士四重奏"。本研究版是對 Henle Urtext 中已有的 "阿波尼四重奏 "部分的補充;克裡斯汀-海特曼(Christin Heitmann)所作的新序提供了深刻的背景資訊"

作曲家: Franz Josef Haydn
校訂者: Georg Feder
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Haydn dedicated the series of Quartets op. 71 and 74 to the Hungarian Count Apponyi, a Viennese patron of music and a freemason friend. Haydn composed them when he was enjoying a great deal of success with his “London Symphonies” in England. With their weighty slow introductions and dense movements focusing on sound, they also have symphonic characteristics. In particular the Quartet in G minor op. 74,3 is striking on account of its expressiveness and originality. Due to the rhythmic drive of the outer movements it was give the epithet “Rider Quartet.” The study edition complements the parts of the “Apponyi Quartets” which are already available in Henle Urtext.

頁數: 156
重量(g): 592.515
UPC: 884088174125
