
String Quartets Op. 59, 74, 95 Study Score 貝多芬 弦樂四重奏 總譜 亨乐版

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本卷中的五首絃樂四重奏通常被稱為貝多芬的 "中型四重奏",儘管從風格上看它們並不都是一個封閉的整體。從三首四重奏作品Op. 作品 59(1806 年)和四重奏作品 74(1809/10 年)之間相隔三年多的時間。74 (1809/10). 在四重奏作品Op. 貝多芬在作品 59 中加入了一些俄羅斯民謠主題,以此向委託創作這些作品的拉祖莫夫斯基王子致敬。因此,這些作品常被稱為 "俄羅斯四重奏"。下一首降 E 大調四重奏作品(Op.74)也有一個綽號:由於第一樂章中延長的撥弦段落,它經常被稱為 "豎琴四重奏"。F 小調四重奏作品 而 F 小調四重奏作品 95 的署名則是 "Quartet serioso"。所有五首四重奏都是成熟的大師之作,對詮釋和技術要求極高"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Paul Mies
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven: Quartet F major op. 59,1 [Rasumowsky] F major op. 59,1
Beethoven: Quartet C major op. 59,3 [Rasumowsky] C major op. 59,3
Beethoven: Quartet E minor op. 59,2 [Rasumowsky] e minor op. 59,2
Beethoven: Quartet f minor op. 95
Beethoven: Quartet E flat majeur op. 74 [Harp Quartet] E flat major op. 74

The five string quartets in this volume are generally designated as Beethoven's “middle quartets”, even though stylistically they do not all build a closed unit. More than three years lie between the inception of the three quartets op. 59 (1806) and the quartet op. 74 (1809/10). In the quartets op. 59, Beethoven sprinkled several Russian folksong themes – an homage to Prince Razumovsky, who had commissioned the works. This is why the pieces are often called the “Russian Quartets”. The next quartet, op. 74 in E flat Major, was also given a nickname: thanks to extended pizzicato passages in the first movement, it is frequently called the “Harp Quartet.” The F minor Quartet op. 95, in turn, bears in the autograph title “Quartet serioso”. All five quartets are mature masterworks which demand high interpretative and technical mastery.
頁數: 160
重量(g): 323.19
UPC: 884088183714