
String Quartets Op. 18 and String Quartet Version of the Piano Sonata Op. 14 Study Score 貝多芬 奏鳴曲 弦樂四重奏 總譜亨乐版

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說到絃樂四重奏這一體裁,貝多芬相對來說是個後來者。當他從洛布科維茨親王那裡獲得創作絃樂四重奏的合同時,他已經 28 歲了。18》的合同時,他已經28歲,而當他完成這些作品時,他已經30歲了。這些成熟的作品在技術要求上明顯有別於莫札特的四重奏等作品,但另一方面,它們在音樂上又以莫札特的實踐為導向。A 大調四重奏 K. 464 顯然是作品 18 之 5 的原型。儘管如此,貝多芬的六首四重奏作品(Op.18)是完全獨立的作品,與這一流派的許多重要貢獻不相上下

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: G. Henle Verlag

Beethoven: Appendix: String Quartet after the Piano Sonata F major op. 14,1
Beethoven: Quartet A major op. 18,5
Beethoven: Quartet D major op. 18,3
Beethoven: Quartet B flat major op. 18,6
Beethoven: Quartet c minor op. 18,4
Beethoven: Quartet F major op. 18,1
Beethoven: Quartet G major op. 18,2

When it came to the genre of the string quartet, Beethoven was a relative latecomer. He was already 28 years old when he obtained the contract for the composition of the Quartets opp. 18 from Prince Lobkowitz, and 30 when he completed them. These are mature works that clearly distinguish themselves in their technical demands from, say, those of Mozart's quartets; yet on the other hand, they orient themselves musically on Mozartian practice. The A Major Quartet K. 464 obviously served as a model for Op. 18 no. 5. Be that as it may, Beethoven's six Quartets op. 18 are completely autonomous works that are on par with many of the major contributions to this genre.

In the 1980s, scribal copies – in which Beethoven had presented the quartets to his patron Prince Lobkowitz – once again became accessible. They represent a stage prior to the final version, having richer dynamics and articulation marks that make them interesting from a performance practice point of view. As the autographs of the Six Quartets op. 18 are no longer extant, these manuscripts assume a singular importance. This Henle Urtext edition is the first to take these manuscripts into consideration.
頁數: 170
重量(g): 343.035
UPC: 884088183486