
String Quartet No. 1 Ives Society Critical Edition 弦樂四重奏

來自 Peermusic
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艾夫斯在耶魯大學就讀期間開始創作第一絃樂四重奏,並於 1902 年完成。該曲採用晚期浪漫主義調性風格,受到勃拉姆斯和德沃夏克的影響,但它使用的主題是他在教堂演唱和作為管風琴手演奏的讚美詩曲調(其中包括 "來自格陵蘭冰冷的山脈"、"Beulah Land "和 "來吧,你萬福之源")。艾夫斯將美國讚美詩的音色和特點融入浪漫的歐洲絃樂四重奏中,將他所熱愛的兩種音樂傳統結合在一起,在當時的民族主義作曲家中佔有一席之地"

作曲家: Charles Ives
樂器: String Quartet
出版社: Peermusic Classical
Ives began his String Quartet No. 1 while in college at Yale and finished it by 1902. It is in a late-romantic tonal style influenced by Brahms and Dvorák, but it uses themes paraphrased from the hymn tunes he sang in church and played as an organist (“From Greenland's Icy Mountains”, “Beulah Land” and “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” among them). By infusing the sound and character of American hymnody into the romantic European string quartet, Ives united two of the musical traditions he loved and claimed a place among the nationalist composers of his day.

頁數: 24
重量(g): 362.88
EAN: 9781540081964
UPC: 888680992170
