String Quartet Nr. 12 F-Dur op. 96 德弗札克 弦樂四重奏 騎熊士版
在安東寧-德沃夏克旅居美國三年期間創作的作品中,《F大調絃樂四重奏(美國)》是繼《新世界交響曲》之後最著名的作品。這首曲子基本上是在 1893 年 6 月期間不間斷地創作完成的,反映了作曲家暑假期間在斯皮爾維爾小村與捷克同胞(捷克移民的後裔)一起度過的快樂時光,在那裡,作曲家被大自然和朋友們所包圍,為他的創作提供了理想的條件。美國民間音樂和通俗音樂元素的運用賦予了這首作品典型的特徵。這套曲是第一部《安東寧-德沃夏克作品評論全集》的一部分"
作曲家: Dvorák, Antonín
樂器: string quartet 弦樂四重奏
出版社: Bärenreiter 騎熊士(小熊版)
Of the works which Antonin Dvorak wrote during his three-year sojourn in America, the String Quartet in F major ("American") is the best known after the New World Symphony. It was written essentially without interruption during the course of June 1893 and reflects happy times spent in the hamlet of Spillville over the summer holidays among Czech compatriots, descendants of Czech immigrants, where the composer, surrounded by nature and friends, had the ideal conditions for his composition work. The use of elements of American folk and popularised music gives the piece its typical character. This set is part of the first Complete Critical Edition of Works by Antonin Dvorak.