
Saltarello 總譜

來自 Wilfin Music
$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

Saltarello 是一種義大利民間舞蹈,類似于塔蘭泰拉。它的主要特點是躍步,躍步來自義大利語動詞 saltare,意為跳躍。這在勾弓中得到了體現。連續的跑動對所有部分都是很好的鍛煉,要求手指動作乾淨俐落。移調和換弦是這首樂曲的主要特點,而強烈的脈搏感則是低音線的關鍵。樂曲中包含鋼琴聲部。鋼琴聲部並非必不可少,但可用手風琴或鍵盤手風琴演奏,以增強民謠音樂的感覺。(2:10)

作曲家: Loreta Fin
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Wilfin Music
難度: 2; -2
A Saltarello is an Italian folk dance, similar to a tarantella. Its main feature is the "leap" step, which comes from the Italian verb "saltare," meaning to jump. This is portrayed in the hooked bowings. The continuous, running motion is a good workout for all sections and requires clean finger action. Shifting work and string crossing are major features, and a strong sense of pulse is essential in the bass line. A piano part is included. It is not essential, but it could be played on an accordion or keyboard accordion to enhance to folk-music feel. (2:10)


頁數: 0
重量(g): 90.718474
ISBN: 9781470647995
UPC: 38081567228
