
Phantom's Night: Legends Of Cuba Road 傳奇曲 總譜

$320TWD - $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD

這首 G 小調的詭異樂曲非常適合萬聖節音樂會,其中小提琴部分使用了大量的二分音符。有兩個大提琴聲部,一個可以移調,一個不可以。滑音和顫音等特殊效果比比皆是,包括重音和簡單的雙音停止。低音提琴大量使用半音位置,所有聲部中都有許多半音,此外還有大提琴獨奏!

作曲家: Joshua Reznicow
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Kalmus Classic Edition
難度: 2.5;
Perfect for your Halloween concert, this spooky piece in G minor has a good bit of divisi in the violins. There are two cello parts, one that shifts and one that does not. Special effects such as glissandi and tremolo abound, including heavy accents and easy double stops. Basses use half position extensively and there are many chromatic notes in all sections -- plus a cello solo!

頁數: 12
重量(g): 36.2873896
ISBN: 9781682966556
UPC: 660355154249
