
Allegro Molto From Symphony No. 1, K. 16 莫札特 快板 交響曲

來自 Alfred Music
$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD
$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD

安東尼-格拉納塔(Anthony Granata)編曲、沃爾夫岡-阿瑪迪斯-莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)創作的《第一交響曲》K.16 中的 "快板"(Allegro Molto)從降 E 大調改寫為 D 大調,是初級和中級早期管弦樂隊的完美經典選擇。這首精彩的教學曲目具有簡單的八分音符音型、動態、銜接和附點音符。作品既保留了原作的簡潔、魅力和優雅,又給學生們帶來了大膽而成熟的音色,讓人聯想到古典時代。現在,年輕的管弦樂隊可以欣賞到這位元著名音樂神童的第一部交響曲的美妙和奇妙之處。這是音樂會開場或結尾的絕佳曲目。(2:30)

作曲家: Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
改編者: Anthony Granata
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2; -2
A perfect classical choice for late-beginner and early-intermediate orchestras, "Allegro Molto" from Symphony No. 1, K.16 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and arranged by Anthony Granata has been rewritten from the key of E-flat major to D major. This wonderful teaching piece features simple eighth-note patterns, dynamics, articulations, and accidentals. The work retains the simplicity, charm, and elegance of the original, while still giving your students a bold and mature sound, reminiscent of the Classical era. Younger orchestras can now enjoy the beauty and wonders of the infamous musical prodigy's first symphony. This is a wonderful concert program opener or closer. (2:30)


頁數: 62
重量(g): 249.4758035
UPC: 38081554396
