
Petrushka Excerpts from the Ballet Petrushka 斯特拉溫斯基伊果 彼德魯什卡 芭蕾彼德魯什卡 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

在這首《彼得魯什卡》的改編曲中,年輕的弦樂演奏者可以領略斯特拉文斯基的天才。安德魯-H.-達布欽斯基(Andrew H. Dabczynski)對這首芭蕾舞傑作中的選段進行了改編,將管弦樂隊引入 20 世紀的音樂創作--混合音高和強烈的和聲--具有挑戰性,但始終易於演奏且符合邏輯。斯特拉文斯基的這部經典之作音色震撼,保證會讓學生們沉醉其中,並在音樂會和音樂節上讓聽眾驚歎不已。

作曲家: Stravinsky Igor
改編者: Andrew H. Dabczynski
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 3; -3
風格: Light Concert; Masterwork Arrangement
The genius of Stravinsky is available to young string players in this arrangement of "Petrushka." Here is an arrangement by Andrew H. Dabczynski of excerpts from the masterpiece ballet that will introduce the orchestra to 20th-century musical composition---with mixed meters and strident harmonies---in a challenging but always playable and logical context. The powerful sound of this Stravinsky classic is guaranteed to engross students and wow listeners in concerts and festivals.
頁數: 24
重量(g): 99.7903214
UPC: 38081533568