
March of the Priests From The Magic Flute 莫札特 進行曲 魔笛 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

魔笛》可能是莫札特最著名的歌劇之一。第二幕的開頭是一段動聽的進行曲,被稱為 "牧師進行曲"。場景描繪了牧師們進入大教堂時莊嚴的遊行隊伍。這首樂曲非常空靈,由弦樂團演奏時,顯得聲情並茂、美輪美奐。閉上眼睛,想像自己置身於大都會歌劇院,完全沉浸在莫札特這部動人歌劇的美景之中。傑瑞-布魯貝克對這首優美而簡單的樂曲進行了豐富的全新改編,每次演奏都會給演奏者和觀眾帶來無窮樂趣。這首改編曲非常適合作為音樂會曲目,甚至可以用作婚禮的進行曲。感受魔力!(2:45)

作曲家: Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
改編者: Jerry Brubaker
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 3; -3
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
The Magic Flute is perhaps one of Mozart's most well known operas. The beginning of the second act is a lovely processional march known as "March of the Priests." The scene depicts a solemn procession of priests as they enter the great cathedral. The piece has a very ethereal quality and is lush and beautiful when played by a string orchestra. Close your eyes and imagine yourself at the Met, fully engulfed in the beauty of Mozart's lovely opera. Jerry Brubaker's rich new setting of this beautiful, yet simple piece will give players and audiences much enjoyment every time it is played. This arrangement works well as a concert piece and could even be used as a processional for a wedding. Feel the magic! (2:45)

頁數: 8
重量(g): 51.25593781
UPC: 38081523460
