
Mozart Requiem -- Dies Irae 莫札特 安魂曲 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$320TWD - $320TWD
$320TWD - $320TWD

莫札特逝世前創作的《安魂曲》充滿了神秘色彩,在這首《憤怒之日》(Dies Irae)合唱部分的編曲中,我們可以感受到這種神秘感。它將為您的下一場音樂會或比賽增添嚴肅而飽滿的音色。這首曲子是為年輕的管弦樂隊而寫的,可以讓您的學生在體驗莫札特這部震撼人心的最後作品時,不必為音符而苦苦掙扎。

作曲家: Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
改編者: Christina Hans
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 3.5; -3.5
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
Much mystery surrounds the Requiem which Mozart was writing just before his death and that mystery can be felt in this arrangement of the choral section Dies Irae (Day of Wrath). It will provide a serious and full sounding addition to your next concert or contest. Written with the young orchestra in mind, this piece will allow your students to experience Mozart's powerful final work without struggling for notes.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 68.0388555
UPC: 38081407661
