
Summer from The Four Seasons First Movement 韋瓦第 四季樂章 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

這首曲子很火辣,維瓦爾第也希望如此!在這部作品中,您將感受到熱浪滾滾,體驗到夏日風暴的聚集。演奏者和觀眾都會喜歡這部耳熟能詳的經典作品中的戲劇性和活力。該曲有小提琴和大提琴獨奏部分,與維瓦爾第的原作一樣,樂曲也將他的十四行詩寫入了各部分,這樣學生們就能體會到大師通過音樂傳達的資訊。在下一場管弦樂音樂會上,該曲目必將大獲全勝!本曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Vivaldi Antonio
改編者: Brendan McBrien
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 3.5; -3.5
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
This music is hot, and Vivaldi wanted it that way! You'll feel the heat and experience a gathering summer storm in this work. Performers and audience alike will love the drama and energy in this familiar classic. There are parts for solo violin and cello, and like Vivaldi's original, the music includes his sonnet text written into the parts so students can experience what the master was communicating through the music. A guaranteed winner on your next orchestra concert! This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 90.718474
UPC: 38081343815
