
Mozart Variations 莫札特 詠唱調 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

年輕的弦樂演奏者一定會被這首精緻而純真的樂曲所吸引。這首迷人的樂曲由歷史上最著名的兒童巨星創作,改編自 A 大調單簧管五重奏 K.581。主題和變奏曲包括一個 G 小調部分、一個可以發展顫音的慢板部分和一個歡快的尾聲,提供了大量的教學機會。本曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus
改編者: Ruth Siegler
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2; -2
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
Young string players will be captivated by the sophisticated but innocent quality of this music. Written by history’s most famous child superstar, this charming piece is an arrangement from the Clarinet Quintet in A major, K. 581. Theme and variations including a G minor section, a slow section in which to develop vibrato, and a rollicking finale provide a multitude of teaching opportunities. This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 68.0388555
UPC: 38081342375
