
Winter from The Four Seasons 韋瓦第 四季 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$240TWD - $240TWD
$240TWD - $240TWD

這首簡單的編曲為您提供了多種演奏機會!維瓦爾第抒情的第二樂章現在轉為 G 大調,非常簡單,適合小提琴、中提琴或大提琴獨奏!可與一位或多位獨奏者合作演出!這個慢板樂章簡直就是 "暴風雨間的寧靜"。維瓦爾第為這一樂章所配的曲子是當外面的大雨把成百上千的人淋成落湯雞的時候,在爐火旁度過寧靜滿足的日子。樂曲呈現出優美抒情的獨奏旋律,撥弦伴奏反映了外面的雨滴。您的學生將迎接挑戰,享受獨奏和伴奏的樂趣!(2:00)此曲目可在 SmartMusic 中下載"

作曲家: Vivaldi Antonio
改編者: Tim McCarrick
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 2; -2
風格: Masterwork Arrangement
This easy arrangement offers you multiple performance opportunities! Vivaldi’s lyrical second movement, now transposed to G major, is simple enough for the violin, viola, or cello soloist of your choice! Perform with one or more soloists! This slow movement is literally the "Calm between Storms." Vivaldi’s text to accompany this is: Spending quiet contented days by the fire while the rain outside drenches people by the hundreds. The music presents a lovely lyrical solo melody as the pizzicato accompaniment reflects the raindrops outside. Your students will rise to the challenge and enjoy playing both the solo part and the accompaniment part! (2:00) This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 45.359237
UPC: 38081320939
