
J. D. Meets the Rhythm Section 節奏樂節

來自 Alfred Music
$2,080TWD - $2,080TWD
$2,080TWD - $2,080TWD

酷酷的學校管弦樂隊!您的管弦樂隊在學習搖擺八分音符時需要戴上墨鏡!J.D.與節奏部的相遇》以 C 藍調音階為基礎,收錄了所有樂器的完整、書面化、可選的爵士樂獨奏,可以由一名學生演奏,也可以由整個樂隊演奏。打擊樂和鋼琴部分為真正的爵士樂畫龍點睛。這首曲子由爵士小提琴家蘭迪-薩比恩(Randy Sabien)創作並錄製,即將成為爵士小提琴的標準曲目

作曲家: Randy Sabien
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 4; -4
風格: Jazz
Cool meets the school orchestra! Your orchestra will need to wear sunglasses while they learn to swing the eighths! Jamming the C blues scale, J.D. Meets the Rhythm Section includes complete, written-out, optional jazz solos for all instruments that may be played by one student or an entire section. Percussion and piano parts add the finishing touches to the true jazz sound. Written and recorded by jazz violinist extraordinaire Randy Sabien, this piece is well on the way to becoming a jazz violin standard.


頁數: 132
重量(g): 508.0234544
UPC: 38081231013
